Monster Media 1995 #12
Monster Media No. 12 (Third Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO
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File List
217 lines
I:\TEXT\060495B1.ZIP 060495B1.ZIP 'SYSOP' Americans Dislike Big Gov't. Recent poll
!>reveals that Americans have little faith in
!>our federal government, but even a little
!>may be too much.
I:\TEXT\061895B1.ZIP 061895B1.ZIP 'SYSOP' U.S. Vulnerable to Missile Attack. Many
!>Americans believe that our government can
!>protect us against ballistic missile
!>attacks. That is simply not true - we have
!>no way to shoot down incoming missiles.
I:\TEXT\062595B3.ZIP 062595B3.ZIP 'SYSOP' Gun Ownership Protects Freedom. Any excuse
!>will do for advocates of gun control - even
!>a tragedy like the bombing of the federal
!>building in Oklahoma City, where no guns
!>were involved.
I:\TEXT\072495N1.ZIP 072495N1.ZIP 'SYSOP' Cradle to Grave. Interesting article about
!>the sources of OBE "ideas" and the funding
!>for same!
I:\TEXT\072495N2.ZIP 072495N2.ZIP 'SYSOP' Chipping Away at Freedom. Excellent article
!>about the federal governments' continuing
!>"power grab." Create a need, justify further
!>erosion of our Constitution.
I:\TEXT\080795N1.ZIP 080795N1.ZIP 'SYSOP' From the Editor Re: the OKC bombing. The
!>mystery will not likely be solved by
!>allowing politics to shape conclusions that
!>should be based on the evidence. A sobering
!>suggestion on how to "view" the facts!
I:\TEXT\091895N2.ZIP 091895N2.ZIP 'SYSOP' The "Former" Soviet Bloc. Communism, we were
!>told, collapsed throughout Eastern Europe
!>and the old Soviet Union beginning in 1989.
!>"Democracy," we were told, was in the wind
!>and "reform" was everywhere.
I:\TEXT\2NDCONST.ZIP 2NDCONST.ZIP 'SYSOP' NRA Firearms Fact card - 1995 Second
!>Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
I:\TEXT\800_9508.ZIP 800_9508.ZIP 'SYSOP' Database of 7,060 Toll Free Phone Numbers
!>for PC Hardware and software producers.
I:\TEXT\ACCV17.ZIP ACCV17.ZIP 'SYSOP' DBF with Name, Address, Phone, Fax, Email,
!>BBS, 800, etc. for all known producers of
!>PD, Shareware, free and commercial products
!>for use with MS-Access.
I:\TEXT\ACROANT3.ZIP ACROANT3.ZIP 'SYSOP' Acronymophobia Antidote 3 - Windows Help
!>file with a list of over 1400 acronyms
!>dealing with compters.
I:\TEXT\ALCO21.ZIP ALCO21.ZIP 'SYSOP' Alcohol v2.1. Electronic Book <ASP>
!>Alcoholism is our number one drug problem in
I:\TEXT\APOLO_13.ZIP APOLO_13.ZIP 'SYSOP' Information text file on the Apollo 13
!>mission, containing high-level ASCII
!>characters. Rather technical, but with good
!>summaries and data.
I:\TEXT\ARM_AU.ZIP ARM_AU.ZIP 'SYSOP' The Armed Citizen August 1995. Studies
!>indicate that firearms are used over two
!>million times a year for personal protection
!>and that the presence of a firearm without a
!>shot being fired prevents crime in many
I:\TEXT\ARM_JU.ZIP ARM_JU.ZIP 'SYSOP' The Armed Citizen July 1995.
I:\TEXT\ARTI22.ZIP ARTI22.ZIP 'SYSOP' Articles v2.2. Electronic Book <ASP> Eleven
!>helpful files (articles) for the businessman
!>and for general interest. Ways to save
!>money. How to get rid of roaches!
I:\TEXT\ASMV17.ZIP ASMV17.ZIP 'SYSOP' DBF with Name, Address, Phone, Fax, Email,
!>BBS, 800, etc. for all known producers of
!>PD, Shareware, free and commercial products
!>for use with PC assemblers.
I:\TEXT\ATO50626.ZIP ATO50626.ZIP 'SYSOP' Inner strength, family support, boots Chris
!>Reeve's will to live.
I:\TEXT\B5_YEAR1.ZIP B5_YEAR1.ZIP 'SYSOP' Babylon-5 episode synopses season one
!>episodes: 001 - 022 (all episodes of season
I:\TEXT\BABEL95C.ZIP BABEL95C.ZIP 'SYSOP' Babel: A Glossary of Computer Oriented
!>Abbreviations and Acronyms v95C.
I:\TEXT\BAREFOOT.ZIP BAREFOOT.ZIP 'SYSOP' Everything you ever wanted to know about
!>going barefoot .
I:\TEXT\BBS_9508.ZIP BBS_9508.ZIP 'SYSOP' Database of 1,383 Toll Free BBS Phone
!>Numbers for PC Hardware and software
I:\TEXT\BNB_0814.ZIP BNB_0814.ZIP 'SYSOP' Beavis & Butthead Programme Guide - Current
!>as of August 1995.
I:\TEXT\CCCSUIT.ZIP CCCSUIT.ZIP 'SYSOP' Law Suit filed by The Cincinnati Computer
!>Connection BBS.
I:\TEXT\CCW_ISSU.ZIP CCW_ISSU.ZIP 'SYSOP' Paper on the effects of 'Shall Issue'
!>Conceled Carry Weapons permit laws.
I:\TEXT\CHG8.ZIP CHG8.ZIP 'SYSOP' Compares OS2 Warp with Win95 in .html. Use a
!>web browser to view it.
I:\TEXT\CHPH21.ZIP CHPH21.ZIP 'SYSOP' Chr-Phil v2.1. Electronic Book <ASP> Outline
!>of the Successful Philosopy of Education
!>that our Nation followed from its inception
!>through the beginning of the Twentieth
I:\TEXT\CLCTBOOK.ZIP CLCTBOOK.ZIP 'SYSOP' Fantastic collection about DOS and Windows.
!>Chock full of hints, tips and tactics for
I:\TEXT\COMD21.ZIP COMD21.ZIP 'SYSOP' Comd v2.1. Electronic Book <ASP> The Ten
!>Commandments were given to us by our loving
!>heavenly father. They are vital to our own
!>well being. How do these time-honored
!>principles apply to us today?
I:\TEXT\DABUCS13.ZIP DABUCS13.ZIP 'SYSOP' DA Bucs v1.3. History of Tampa Bay Football.
!>Menu driven database of stats & information.
!>Includes the history of the Buccaneers, as
!>they begin their 20th NFL season under new
I:\TEXT\DEADDISC.ZIP DEADDISC.ZIP 'SYSOP' Grateful Dead complete discography.
I:\TEXT\DOSBOOK.ZIP DOSBOOK.ZIP 'SYSOP' Great reference and training manual with
!>some great tips and tactics to make you a
!>DOS power user.
I:\TEXT\EM_9508.ZIP EM_9508.ZIP 'SYSOP' DBF with 3197 Email and Eeb addresses for PC
!>hardware and software producers.
I:\TEXT\ESSY53.ZIP ESSY53.ZIP 'SYSOP' Essays v5.3. Electronic Book <ASP>
!>Examination of the root cause of the
!>deterioration of the United States and a
!>prescription for reviving her.
I:\TEXT\ESTM41.ZIP ESTM41.ZIP 'SYSOP' Esteem v4.1. Electronic Book <ASP> Low
!>Self-Esteem can be incapacitating. Designed
!>to be an Individual or group project to
!>raise self-esteem.
I:\TEXT\FAXBAX2.ZIP FAXBAX2.ZIP 'SYSOP' List of computer companies w/tollfree
!>faxback services.
I:\TEXT\FLLATLON.ZIP FLLATLON.ZIP 'SYSOP' Sample files of Florida from a larger U.S.
!>Database. The Latitude and Longitude files
!>in the whole US listing of US cities and
!>towns totals 68,869. It includes many of the
!>small villages, hamlets and variant
!>spellings of cities.
I:\TEXT\GAY0795.ZIP GAY0795.ZIP 'SYSOP' THE Gay & Lesbian BBS List July 1995 Edition.
I:\TEXT\GEEKCOD3.ZIP GEEKCOD3.ZIP 'SYSOP' The Geek Code v3.0 (humour).
I:\TEXT\HAKRTST.ZIP HAKRTST.ZIP 'SYSOP' Take the hacker test! Great reading anyway!
I:\TEXT\HCL95HLP.ZIP HCL95HLP.ZIP 'SYSOP' Windows 95 hardware compatibility list.
I:\TEXT\JOKE35.ZIP JOKE35.ZIP 'SYSOP' Jokes v3.5. Electronic Book <ASP> Collection
!>of over 20 categories of jokes. Proof that
!>clean jokes can be funny.
I:\TEXT\LAW21.ZIP LAW21.ZIP 'SYSOP' Law 1850 v2.1. Electronic Book <ASP> Bastiat
!>was a French economist, statesman, and
!>deputy to the French Legislative Assembly -
!>An apologetic for Democracy, warning France
!>of the dangers of socialism and community.
I:\TEXT\LERMA1.ZIP LERMA1.ZIP 'SYSOP' Press release from FACTNET concerning the
!>Scientology raid on Arnie Lerma.
I:\TEXT\LIBERTY.ZIP LIBERTY.ZIP 'SYSOP' The Liberty Disk. Are personal liberties
!>being threatened from every corner? Do
!>people have any privacy at all these days?
!>This collection of essays deals with these
!>and related questions.
I:\TEXT\LOTUS800.ZIP LOTUS800.ZIP 'SYSOP' Listing of computer hardware/software
!>companies in Lotus 1-2-3 .WK4 format.
I:\TEXT\MEDIA004.ZIP MEDIA004.ZIP 'SYSOP' List of media outlits and their addresses.
I:\TEXT\MODER51.ZIP MODER51.ZIP 'SYSOP' DOS FTP sites, their moderators and other
!>useful information.
I:\TEXT\MSTOS212.ZIP MSTOS212.ZIP 'SYSOP' The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Automated
!>Episode Guide v1.1 for OS/2!
I:\TEXT\NEWMOONS.ZIP NEWMOONS.ZIP 'SYSOP' Hubble discovers new moons around Saturn!
I:\TEXT\NRPOLICY.ZIP NRPOLICY.ZIP 'SYSOP' NRA Policy Statement on Militia Groups.
I:\TEXT\OJ_STMNT.ZIP OJ_STMNT.ZIP 'SYSOP' OJ Simpson's original statement to the LAPD.
I:\TEXT\PDXU17.ZIP PDXU17.ZIP 'SYSOP' Text listing all Paradox DOS and Windows PD
!>& Shareware files by type, with release date
!>and short description.
I:\TEXT\PPSREF04.ZIP PPSREF04.ZIP 'SYSOP' List of reference articles on Post-Polio
I:\TEXT\PRIVACY2.ZIP PRIVACY2.ZIP 'SYSOP' Privacy and Secrecy. Imagine a world where
!>complete privacy exists. Your business
!>affairs are your personal matter. The
!>government, nosy friends, and miscellaneous
!>muckrakers aren't looking over your shoulder.
I:\TEXT\REVIEW2.ZIP REVIEW2.ZIP 'SYSOP' Mythdancer's Shareware Reviews of Dialog
!>Extensions, Disk Sweep, Edit Master, Imagine
!>Task Manager, InfoSpy, My Personal Diary,
!>SysWinfo, Winhog and has updates for Space
!>Hound and SafetyNet.
I:\TEXT\REVIEW3.ZIP REVIEW3.ZIP 'SYSOP' Mythdancer's Shareware Reviews of
!>Businesscards, BussinessCard Designer Plus,
!>Business Dialer, Crypt-O-Text, Darn!, Label
!>Designer Plus, WhizNotes and more.
I:\TEXT\SETWIN95.ZIP SETWIN95.ZIP 'SYSOP' Recommended DOS session settings and
!>selected CONFIG.SYS settings for running a
!>DOS-based BBS under Windows 95. Tuned for
!>performance AND stability.
I:\TEXT\SOFT95.ZIP SOFT95.ZIP 'SYSOP' Windows 95 Software Compatibility List in
!>HLP format.
I:\TEXT\SOFT952.ZIP SOFT952.ZIP 'SYSOP' Windows 95 Software Compatibility Testing
I:\TEXT\SOLOING.ZIP SOLOING.ZIP 'SYSOP' 3 text files that provide a wide variety of
!>tips for improvising guitar solos.
I:\TEXT\STLB0795.ZIP STLB0795.ZIP 'SYSOP' Logbook Episode Guide for Star Trek
!>(Original, TNG, DS9 & Voyager), Babylon 5,
!>Red Dwarf, Blake's 7 and coming this Fall:
I:\TEXT\STS_69PK.ZIP STS_69PK.ZIP 'SYSOP' NASA Presskit for the 9-95? Shuttle mission.
!>Some nice GIF's included.
I:\TEXT\TBAG25.ZIP TBAG25.ZIP 'SYSOP' Travel Bag v2.5 for Windows. Travel
!>Information Kit includes the most needed 800
!>numbers for Travelers. Hotels, Airlines and
!>Auto rentals.
I:\TEXT\TRDC1_2.ZIP TRDC1_2.ZIP 'SYSOP' The Red Dragon Chronicles Electronic Comix
!>based on L.O.R.D. Follow the adventures of a
!>brave young hero, as he avenges the death of
!>his family and friends.
I:\TEXT\UCCCSUIT.ZIP UCCCSUIT.ZIP 'SYSOP' The other Law suit filed by the Users of CCC
I:\TEXT\UCC_INFO.ZIP UCC_INFO.ZIP 'SYSOP' Excellent brief overview of the Uniform
!>Commercial Code and how to use it to your
!>advantage. Rough transcript of a lecture by
!>Howard Freeman on the subject.
I:\TEXT\VOICES95.ZIP VOICES95.ZIP 'SYSOP' Voices of Freedom: America Speaks Out on the
!>ADA. A report by the National Council on
!>Disability on the 5th anniversary of the
!>Americans with Disabilities Act. Based on a
!>50 state town meeting tour.
I:\TEXT\WACO07.ZIP WACO07.ZIP 'SYSOP' The Waco Hearings: The First Seven Days.
!>NRA-ILA Special Report.
I:\TEXT\WWSEBV13.ZIP WWSEBV13.ZIP 'SYSOP' The Wilderness Walking Staff Electronic Book
!>for Windows. Describes the Wilderness
!>Walking Staff, a staff designed for
!>wilderness safety and subsistence living in
!>North America's back country.
I:\TEXT\YARNSHOP.ZIP YARNSHOP.ZIP 'SYSOP' Mail order yarn catalogue from The Hill